I am a Web Developer based in Maidenhead in the United Kingdom. Creating clever (or cleverly simple) things is what makes my days fly by. As the Web continues to reinvent itself at a mind-boggling pace, it's great being along for the ride even if it gets a little bumpy and weirdly opinionated along the way!
I primarily use Typescript, React, Node, Next , Python and Ruby and Rails. I also use more old-fashioned things like listening to people to make sure all that fancy tech makes someone's day.
Some of my favourite things I have made for public consumption. There are plenty of repos to be found on my Github but to save you digging, take a look at the ones below.
Here I can talk about some of the things that helped develop my skills, outside of actually coding projects. If you are just starting out in this field, it might give you a few ideas. There is always more to learn, and as you'll see from the links, we all have to start somewhere!
Both of these sites are fully recommended in getting the basics down in a non-scary way. There is a mountain of knowledge to climb, and these are a pretty decent starting point. We all have to take our first steps to get anywhere.
I always learnt best with seeing an example, and then recreating with my own ideas on what I'd like to see. Udemy has alot of courses with plenty of ideas but you need to do a little research to work out good ones from the bad or outdated. I used to recommend Colt Steele's Web Developer Bootcamp (which has a cool colour picking game you make), Anthony Alicea's Understanding Javascript: The wierd parts and Stephen Grider's ES6 course. I bet there is newer nowadays though
When it comes to videos however, Wes Bos is top drawer stuff. He has a number of free and paid courses on topics such as JS, React, Command-line and CSS. I think the Javascript Basics and JS30 courses cannot be recommended enough for any budding JS dev. Check out this sweet formula one flexbox technique I learnt from Javascript30. Or just chill with some piano?
When you spend time on projects and making pong clones its easy to get sloppy about the core techniques behind it all. CodeWars is a great site (amoung others) to practice the core stuff, solving challenges in an efficient way. It provides coding challenges to solve with the killer feature of seeing how others solved it once you are done.
Podcasts are great for times when your ears are free. Code Newbie is a great place to hear about people's coding journies and getting motivated, Syntax is great for keeping abreast of whats going on in Web Dev and plenty of tasty tips to try. CSS Tricks and Dev.to are my favourte websites to browse for Web Dev news. I prefer books for more UX related things, I can definately recommend Don't Make me Think and Design for Hackers. The 'why?' of what we make fascinates me, though sometimes there is just no reason at all.
The glue that put it all together for me, Flatiron was instrumental in bringing things together and explaining the 'why' of the things we do. I built a bunch of things as part of the course, but I have a sweet spot for the first project which was building a CLI app using Ruby: F1 Competitors